"SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin"

Ella Winarsih

SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin is an Islamic primary school located in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. It is part of the Nurul Fikri Foundation, which is known for its educational institutions that prioritize Islamic values and teachings.

Educational Philosophy and Approach

SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin follows the foundation’s philosophy of integrating Islamic values with quality education. The school aims to provide students with a solid foundation in both religious and academic knowledge.

The curriculum at SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin is designed to meet the national educational standards while incorporating Islamic teachings. It includes subjects such as Qur’an and Hadith studies, Islamic values, Arabic language, and Islamic history. Along with these subjects, students also study the core subjects of mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts.

Facilities and Resources

SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin provides a conducive learning environment for its students. The school is equipped with modern facilities and resources to support the educational process. It has well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and science laboratories. These facilities enable students to engage in hands-on learning experiences and enhance their knowledge and skills.

Extracurricular Activities

To provide a holistic education, SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin offers various extracurricular activities to its students. These activities include sports, arts, language clubs, and Islamic study groups. Engaging in these activities helps students develop their talents, interests, and social skills. It also encourages them to lead a balanced lifestyle that aligns with their Islamic values.

BACA JUGA:   Biaya Makan Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo

Parental Involvement and Community Support

SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin recognizes the importance of parental involvement in a child’s education. The school encourages parents to actively participate in school activities and initiatives. Parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and seminars are conducted regularly to foster a strong partnership between the school and parents.

The school also receives support from the local community. Nurul Fikri Foundation has a strong network of alumni, supporters, and well-wishers who contribute to the growth and development of the school. This community support plays a vital role in providing additional resources and opportunities for the students.

Academic Achievements and Recognitions

SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin has consistently produced outstanding academic results. The school’s students have achieved high scores in national exams and gained recognition in various academic competitions. These achievements reflect the school’s commitment to providing quality education and nurturing students’ academic excellence.


SDIT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin is an Islamic primary school in Banjarmasin that aims to provide students with a well-rounded education encompassing both academic knowledge and Islamic values. Through its curriculum, facilities, extracurricular activities, and community support, the school strives to nurture students’ academic excellence and character development in accordance with Islamic principles.

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